National Cut Your Energy Costs Day [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights: On January 10th of each year, “National Cut Your Energy Costs Day” encourages consumers to reduce their overall energy costs by improving home efficiency. According to Freddie Mac, a typical U.S. family spends $2,200 per year on energy bills. By making energy efficient upgrades, you could reduce your energy bills by up to…

7 Simple Steps to a Successful Mortgage Transaction

Beginning a new year is always and exciting time for resolutions and planning. Planning is the best way to have an easy and successful mortgage transaction. With the Government controlling the mortgage industry making sure you paperwork is in order would be your first objective.  There are several things you might not know that you need…

Big Demand for Small Homes

Movies, tv shows, and celebrities often have us dreaming of owning large homes, but the reality for most people is quite different. Since 2015, the square footage of newly built houses has been shrinking, according to Yahoo Finances. This is not projected to change as we continue into the beginning of the year. “We expect…

3 Benefits to Buying Your Dream Home This Year

Outside of a strong economy, low unemployment, and higher wages, there are three more great reasons why you may want to consider buying your dream home this year instead of waiting. 1. Buying a Home is a Great Investment Several reports indicate that real estate is a good investment, topping other options such as gold,…

Top Renovations for Maximum ROI [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights: If you’re planning on selling your house in 2020, these are the top renovations that will give you the highest Return on your Investment. Regardless of how long you’re planning on staying in your current home, it’s smart to be aware of which home renovations add the most value. The exterior of a…